
When you’re looking for a ranch land loan, you don’t want to go through just any financial service. Oftentimes you can’t go through just any financial service because your ranch plans may not specifically fit into their program offerings. 

Either the program won’t financially support your venture, it won’t have a long enough term, or it simply won’t accommodate all the subtleties that come with owning and operating a ranch. 

At United Ag Lending, we specialize in loan services for a variety of agricultural properties. The types of properties we extend loans for include: ranches, agricultural land, commercial farms, hobby farms, and rural residential homes. We also offer refinancing services.   

We have a level of expertise in the farming and agricultural industry that traditional lenders lack. United Ag Lending offers unique financing specifically as an ag lender as a solution for ranchers like you. 

The following are the reasons you should go through an ag lender for your ranch land loan. 

#1: They Have Unique Expertise 

The number one reason you should go through an ag lender for ranch financing is because they have expertise that traditional lenders lack. Ag lenders have oftentimes been farmers themselves. They know the ins and outs of agricultural land and farming because of specialized industry experience. 

Chances are, ag lenders have their own land they are managing and taking care of and have firsthand experience of the challenges and needs of a piece of land. They’ve also corresponded with hundreds of ranchers like you and therefore have learned about hundreds of unique situations. 

With this level of experience with helping individual ranchers, ag lenders know what works for some ranch situations and what might not work for others. Nonetheless, your situation is distinct and will be treated as such. But, a well-informed, reputable ag lender will use past ranch loan scenarios to pull from and make informed decisions and recommendations. 

An ag lender can also point you in the right direction if you need other resources, such as environmental assessment help and grazing acreage information.

#2: Their Programs Are Built for You

The second reason you should work with an Ag lender is because their programs are built for you. With this expertise being passed around among agricultural professionals, ag lenders are able to take this information and further customize ranch loan programs to each specific property and scenario.  

Customized solutions

During a ranch land loan consultation with a reputable ag lender, they will get to know you, ask questions about your ranch plans, and answer any questions you have. 

With the information you provide, United Ag Lending can customize your ranch land loan program specifically for you. A lender who specializes in agriculture has this sort of flexibility, whereas a lender who offers more general loans doesn’t. 

We guarantee that your ranch is a completely different ranch than the last ranch we processed a loan for. With different sizes and types of land, livestock types and count, properties/structures, and personal and commercial goals, no two ranch land loan programs can be the same.  

#3: They Are Relationship-Oriented 

The third reason you should work with an ag lender for a ranch land loan is that professionals in the agricultural industry are relationship-oriented. To an ag lender, your collaboration isn’t primarily about their financial gain, it’s about the relationship, trust, and comradery built between you.

Because ag lenders have a personal connection with farming and agriculture, they want to hear about your goals and help you reach them. This is why United Ag Lending specializes in agricultural loans after all. An ag lender should want you to share your ideas and offer input on the best course of action; we want you to succeed and have a comfortable financial future. 

An expert ag lender won’t leave you stranded after the loan closes; they’ll be a continued resource and support you for the entirety of your plan as well as long after. 

Secure Your Ranch Land Loan with United Ag Lending

If you have your ranch plans in order and you’re excited to get the process started, we’re all ears. As ag lending experts with experience in countless loan scenarios, we’re eager to learn how your ranch sets you apart and how we can help you further your plans with a ranch land loan. 

Schedule a consultation with us to start talking about your ranch—we’re looking forward to it just as much as you are.

As always, feel free to call us or email us any time you have questions—customer of ours or not.