
Looking for property is stressful enough. Deciding on the location and your purpose and goals for your property can feel overwhelming. A complicated financing process only makes it worse. 

The team at United Ag Lending is here to tell you how you can make this process easier in multiple ways. Having access to a variety of customizable land or farm mortgage options to choose from, financially rewarding benefits, a clear process and requirements, and tips for success is just the beginning. As a premier ag lender, we’re going to tell you how you can get the property you want while being financially smart.  

Our programs

We offer a variety of loan programs to meet different customer needs. Sometimes, your desired real estate may qualify for more than one of our programs. Let’s say you want to own a home on rural land. That could be a hobby farm or rural residential loan—depending on whether or not there’s a farm involved.

Your job isn’t to figure out which program is best for you, it’s ours. When we learn about your plans, we’ll be able to match your needs to a program, and even customize that program to match your needs precisely! 

The main programs we offer are: commercial, ranch, hobby, rural residential, and land loans. 


A commercial loan is for the farmers who desire to make a living off their farms. Maybe you’re starting from scratch with your cattle farm, or maybe you’re carrying on your family’s farming business. 

This program is also an option for folks who want to increase their pre-existing farm capital or consolidate their loans. Whatever you need to start your business or keep it up and running, we’re here to help. 

Related: Do You Meet Commercial Farm Credit Loan Requirements?


Whether you’re raising and housing livestock for financial gain or for enjoyment, we’ve got a ranch loan program we can customize for you. The first step is telling us your goals for your ranch and what you’d like to use it for. 

Related: Your Guide To Ranch Financing


If you’re seeking a piece of land—improved or unimproved—this is your program. Though we mostly stick to servicing land loans for land that will be used agriculturally, we also occasionally service loans for land used recreationally. When in doubt, talk to us! Our team is always here to provide you with answers.

Related: Your Guide To Getting a Farm Land Loan


Let’s say your goal isn’t necessarily to make money, but to enjoy yourself and hone your craft. A hobby farm is the perfect opportunity to give you that freedom and flexibility. When you get a hobby farm loan with us, you’re choosing to invest in yourself. This isn’t to say that you can’t make any money though; our program allows you to earn income from your farm if you choose to. 

Related: Your Guide To a Hobby Farm Mortgage

Rural home

Maybe your dream isn’t to farm, but to live in the country and raise a family with a beautiful green backdrop. With a rural home loan, this can be more than just a dream. You don’t have to be a farmer to receive a farm mortgage from United Ag Lending. However, if you do want a small farm, our hobby farm program would be best suited for you. 

Related: What is a Homestead Loan and How Do I Get One?


If you’re looking for financial services that don’t involve accumulating more land, we’ve got you covered with refinancing services. Maybe your monthly payments are too high for your rural residential property, you have existing agricultural debt, you need a shorter term, or you want to refinance your agribusiness loans. Whatever your needs are, we can make the necessary adjustments to put you in a more comfortable, rewarding financial situation. 

Benefits of financing with United Ag Lending

Now that you have a good idea of what each of our programs entail, we want to go over some of the benefits you can expect if you choose to finance with us. 

  • We offer loans for all different types of industries and purposes
  • Our programs are flexible and tailored to your needs
  • There are various payment options available (monthly, semiannual, annual)
  • We offer loan amounts up to $100 million
  • Enjoy down payments as low as 25%
  • Farm loan rates can be fixed from 10 years to 30 years 
  • 1-year to 15-year adjustable rates are available
  • Our programs allow multiple properties or contiguous parcels
  • We allow outbuildings, sheds, and other land improvements 
  • We offer cash out refinancing 

There are plenty more benefits to our programs; plus, each program hosts unique benefits based on the nature of the property. We can talk about these benefits during a consultation

Loan requirements

Although some of our loan requirements remain the same across all programs, there are some that differ based on if the property is commercial or non-commercial (hobby/residential). 

Commercial loan

In order to qualify for a commercial loan, make sure you meet the following:

  • Minimum credit score of 680
  • Minimum loan amount of $500K
  • 680 or higher credit score
  • Property is a minimum of 10 acres


To qualify for our hobby or residential loan programs, make sure you meet the following:

  • Minimum 680 credit score
  • Property is agricultural in nature
  • Property is a minimum of 5 acres
  • Land has a pre-existing home on it, serving as your primary or secondary residence  

3 tips for the farm mortgage search

At United Ag Lending, we don’t solely provide financing; we provide education too. The most important thing to us is ensuring financial security among our ag colleagues. To support this mission, here are some tips to ensure you’re entering a healthy lender/borrower relationship. 

1. Look for lenders with agricultural expertise

Something a lot of people might not think about is how different a farm mortgage is from other types of loans. Working with ag lenders puts you in a situation with people who understand you and the unique challenges and obstacles within the industry. Your ag lenders will take what they know about the industry and tailor your loan specifically to the needs of your farm, ranch, land, or home. 

Also, the loan amounts, down payments, interest rates, and other terms are built specifically for ag loans, allowing for a secure financial situation. 

2. Don’t settle without clear communication and processes

Ag financing can seem like a never-ending winding road. It’s important to work with a team that makes the process as simplified and smooth as possible, because let’s be honest—there’s a lot to it. When you meet with the lenders, are your next steps clear? Do you know what you need to do? 

Our process consists of 3 main steps: a consultation, recommendations and application, and our continued support and resources. All of the things we have to get done on both sides fall into these steps, and we’ll lay it all out there during the first meeting. 

3. Ensure the loan terms are customizable and flexible

Your real estate will be different from anyone else’s. The same goes for your financial abilities, repayment plan, and rate needs. An expert ag lender will respect this by offering customizable loan terms for your specific situation. At United Ag Lending, we offer a variety of adjustable and fixed rate options, repayment plans, and a low down payment. 

How can we help? 

The team at United Ag Lending is here for all your ag financing and farm mortgage needs. If you know what you want, let’s meet for a consultation and talk about how we can bring it to life. 

Contact us to set one up. 

If you still need more time to figure it out, we’ll be here when you’re ready. We’d even be happy to talk through some of your ideas—even if they aren’t fully fleshed out. 

Send us a message or call us